An interview with Rene IATBA. RenĂ© says "My series of films reinstates the necessity of granting ART diplomatic immunity without attacking or violating the human rights of the individual. Freedom of expression is quintessential to communication and therefore to education”.
ART is the only endeavor in which an individual can find freedom from politicians dictatorships and the asphyxiating grip of religious beliefs. An artist cannot create and follow instruction at the same time.
To punish individuals for relating their dreams, visions or discoveries is a cruel and undeserved punishment. As Nature’s Ambassador I have been warning people of the impending doom we will face if we continue ignoring Nature’s messages such as climate change. Those who believe in eternal life after death undervalue the importance of life after birth.
My goal is to eradicate censorship because I consider it to be a form of slavery which leads to self censorship which Is, without a doubt, slavery perfected.
For more, visit Rene I am The Best Artist